John Thomas, also known as the BodybuildingVegan, takes his audience on an energetic and engaging journey through a typical day in his life in his latest vlog. From his morning routine with a new, ultra-bright light for his check-ins to an intense training session at...
In a captivating and heartfelt discussion, John Thomas, widely known as the BodybuildingVegan, and Ali Martinez, aka Conscious Living with Ali, dive deep into the complexities of modern relationships. Their candid conversation provides insights from their personal...
Greta, a client of John Thomas, The Bodybuilding Vegan, shares her transformative experience of working with him for 11 weeks leading up to her first bodybuilding competition. Initially hesitant about hiring a bodybuilding coach due to the stigma around vegans in the...
John Thomas, also known as the BodybuildingVegan, brought his signature energy and enthusiasm to the Miami International Fitness Expo in Miami, Florida. The Expo, renowned for attracting fitness enthusiasts from all over the globe, served as the perfect platform for...
Clarissa, a seasoned fitness professional, shares her positive experience working with John Thomas, The Bodybuilding Vegan, over the past three months. Despite her extensive background in fitness and coaching since 2012, Clarissa recognized the value of additional...